Six million homes in Britain have now had cavity wall insulation installed and it’s easy to see why - it’s the smart way to save money.

The Government regards cavity wall insulation as one of the most effective energy saving measures that you can carry out to your home and as well as saving you money it helps reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas causing climate change.

This is because up to 35% of the heat loss from your property is through the walls.

Heat loss due to no or insufficient insulation in your home can account for as much as 25% lose of heat.

Heat loss from house via roof and walls

Stop it now!

Grants are available for all home owners.

This is because the Governments Energy Efficiency Commitment and the subsequent Carbon Energy Reduction Target (CERT) scheme mean that grant funding is available to ALL homeowners and occupiers.

Many homes qualify for a full grant and YOU PAY NOTHING

for more information book your Energy Audit - It’s FREE.

This funding, which is available now is not means tested but may not always be available, meaning there will never be a better time to contact us.

Cavity Wall
& loft insulation

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this winter!