The current life span of a boiler is around 15 years so choosing the correct heating system with a condensing boiler and correct heating controls can make a huge difference over time. With energy prices higher than ever, you'll certainly feel the difference in your pocket.


The term ‘condensing boiler’ refers to the fact that the boilers produce condense from time to time. Condensing boilers use heat from exhaust gases that would normally be released into the atmosphere through the flue. To use this latent heat, the water vapour from the exhaust gas is turned into liquid condensate.

In order to make the most of the latent heat within the condensate, condensing boilers use a larger heat exchanger, or sometimes a  secondary heat exchanger.

Due to this process, a condensing boiler is able to extract more heat from the fuel it uses than a standard efficiency boiler. It also means that less heat is lost through the flue gases.

It’s surprising but true; older boilers can be as little as 60% efficient and even many comparatively modern boilers are still only 70-75% efficient. Choose a SEDBUK A-rated boiler for their efficiency. They are more than 90% efficient,  put another way, with condensing boilers more than 90p of every £1 you spend on fuel for your boiler is used effectively for your heating and hot water.

About 60% of your household's CO2 emissions come from your boiler.

Heating - Ventilation - Air Conditioning

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